You will be pleased to know that I have already signed EDM 437 and fully support the campaign to end cosmetics testing worldwide.
I am proud that in 1997 the UK Labour Government banned the testing of cosmetics on animals. In 1998, this was extended to cosmetic ingredients. After 2009, other EU countries adopted a near-total ban on the sale of products tested or containing ingredients tested on animals for cosmetic purposes, with a complete ban on the sale of cosmetics developed through animal testing in place since 2013. This applies to all new cosmetics and their ingredients sold in the EU, regardless of where in the world testing on animals takes place.
While the UK has shown strong leadership on this problem, as you know there are a number of countries around the world where cosmetics animal testing and the sale of animal-tested cosmetics are still permitted.
I am aware that Cruelty Free International is calling on the UK Government to press the United Nations to develop an international agreement to end cosmetics animal testing everywhere. I believe that national governments have a duty to work together to fight animal cruelty across the world and I would like to see the UK do more to encourage other countries to ban animal testing for cosmetics.
The Labour leadership has long believed that the humane treatment of all animals should be a benchmark for any civilised society. Prior to the 2015 General Election, our Party stated that “national governments have a duty to work together to fight animal cruelty across the world”. The 2017 manifesto outlined a vision “for the UK to lead the world with high animal welfare standards in the wild, in farming and for domestic animals.”
I hope that the current UK Government will consider and respond to the problems that have been raised by organisations such as Cruelty Free International about the continued practice of cosmetics animal testing.